Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22 - Minimize the Horizon

I took this picture in Clayton Park during my Spring Break walk. I was expecting sunshine and spring flowers but not this year. I like the rain anyways. It was really relaxing and I love wavy grey skies. Off to Vegas I go! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Make our own CD covers

We had to get pictures of ourselves and put song lyrics or just a written password on a black 1000x1000 background on Photoshop. Put the picture on top and and then delete the writing. Go Select-Colour Range and select the black background. Then press Ctrl-D to deselect. Then you can make the colours stand out my going Image-Adjustments-Brightness/Contrast. You can also make a label by making a new layer and placing it on the Horizontal Line Tool. You can mess around with the blending styles until it looks right for you. :) Good Luck!

Seek Out Light in the Dark

My Mother and I took this picture of our lights in the front yard with a digital macro lens. I love the purple in it and the little bit of orange spots is a car driving by.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Letters on Buildings - March 8 2013

Friday photos
Letters on Buildings - Saige McCann

The Alphabet in Our School

The assignment was to find letters in the architecture or nature around and in our school. We then had to collage them into an 8x10 canvas. (Without using real letters of course.) This was a grueling task since I don't really have a good eye to see these things. I couldn't not find a 'K' and I realized after I finished that I am missing an 'R'. I hope that you people are able to complete this better than I did. ;D

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We went to the lake and saw ALL the ducks! <3<3<3<3<3

I also saw this creepy pigeon. Whatta creep.